Let's Work Together!
About Our Programs

Get background information about Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB), including our mission and vision.

Read the history of GDB's puppy raising program, and how we've grown into the program of today.
The Power of Partnership

Learn about GDB's organizational values and behaviors, as well as the puppy raising guiding principles.
Getting Involved

Find all the info you'll need about joining a puppy club, including club participation and co-raising agreements.

Start here to learn all about submitting a puppy raising application and information about volunteer onboarding.

Discover the different ways to raise a puppy, including our hybrid and satellite puppy raising programs.

Learn all about puppy raiser home visits - who does them, why, and what a visit to your home might entail.
Guide Dogs for the Blind Puppy Raising Guidebook, all rights reserved. Please see our Terms of Use Guidelines to utilize the contents within.