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How We Work Together

All staff, volunteers, and clients at Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB) are aligned around a common vision and mission and hold ourselves and each other responsible for operating by the GDB Organizational Values and Behaviors, GDB Puppy Raising Guiding Principles, and all guidelines, policies, and procedures. GDB policies, guidelines, and procedures have been designed to ensure that all activities related to the organization are productive, safe, ethical, and legal. Failure to comply with any aspect can lead to the suspension or termination of one’s volunteer relationship with Guide Dogs for the Blind.

Four people holding guide dog puppies stand in front of a city bus that is wrapped with Guide Dogs for the Blind photos of people and dogs.

GDB Organizational Values and Behaviors

Mission First

  • Ensure that every action or decision is aligned with GDB’s commitment to the mission.
  • Provide superior service across all aspects of the organization.


  • Demonstrate accountability, transparency (except when confidentiality applies), and honesty with all actions and decisions.
  • Act with and assume positive intent.

Kindness and Respect

  • Treat every being with dignity and sensitivity.
  • Balance professionalism with humor.

Teamwork and Collaboration

  • Practice proactive, thoughtful, and inclusive interactions.


  • Promote personal development and self-reliance.
  • Support learning and innovation through risk-taking.

GDB Puppy Raising Guiding Principles

Our Puppies are Partners

  • Ensure every action or decision is aligned with the welfare and support of the puppy.
  • Learn and respect the unique needs of each puppy, adjusting for their age and temperament.

Positive Reinforcement

  • Utilize positive reinforcement (reward-based) training methods.
  • Encourage puppies to learn life skills through play and exploration.


  • Provide age and temperament-appropriate opportunities for each puppy to experience different environments and situations.
  • Nurture safe and positive relationships between the puppy, humans, and other animals.

Wellbeing and Health

  • Prioritize the physical, mental, and emotional health and safety of the puppy always.
  • Ensure that each puppy receives needed veterinary care, including preventative and emergent needs.

Volunteer Responsibilities

  • Volunteers are personally responsible to ensure their understanding and fulfillment of the policies, procedures, socialization, and training of GDB puppies.
  • Maintain open, appropriate, and ongoing communication with the club leader, puppy raising field manager (PFM), the Puppy Raising team at GDB, and all others as needed.
  • Agree to complete questionnaires, surveys, and reporting as requested.
  • Positively promote puppy raising and GDB to the public as representatives of the organization.

Our Partnersip

Please also review the Additional Volunteer Expectations and the Volunteer Terms of Service. 

Guide Dogs for the Blind Puppy Raising Guidebook, all rights reserved. Please see our Terms of Use Guidelines to utilize the contents within.