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Social Media Account Instructions

We strongly suggest that every puppy raising club maintain a social media presence if possible. Social media provides a place for your club to share important information, milestones, and celebrations. Building a social media presence also assists with building awareness of our mission, volunteer recruitment efforts, and online search engine optimization for our brand. 

Topics included on this page:


Our goal is to present consistent and cohesive branding of all puppy clubs online, and Facebook is a simple way to accomplish that. You don't have to be prolific on Facebook for it to be an effective marketing and recruitment tool for puppy raising volunteers. As long as you are responding to inquiries promptly, the frequency of your posts is not as critical. Please don't be intimidated or overwhelmed by the platform; use it how it will work best for you, while helping GDB with our goals as well.

This section includes details about naming conventions and page information for Puppy Raising Clubs that are active on Facebook. Since we’re aiming for consistency across all clubs, your attention to detail regarding the following information is much appreciated.

Here are some tips to ensure a strong Facebook presence for your Puppy Raising Club:

  1. Have adequate contact information listed so that people can get in touch with you. Remember that people visiting your Facebook page do not have to have a Facebook account to see and access the information on the page, so having contact information readily available is crucial. Contact information can be reviewed and updated by selecting Settings >> Page Details.
  2. Ensure your account is secure by adding a second and/or third admin to the Page. For page security and continuity, all GDB Puppy Raising Club pages should have @gdb.staff.5 added as an Admin. (See below for instructions on adding a page Admin.)
  3. Consistently monitor and respond to requests for information that come to you via Facebook. Ideally, your club's Facebook page administrator(s) should monitor the page daily. You will likely get inquiries posted directly on your page or via Facebook Messenger. Please be prepared to respond promptly.  


Instagram is another great recruitment tool and a fun way to connect within the GDB community. Instagram accounts are not required, but highly recommended if your club has the time to manage it. Similar to Facebook, you don't have to be prolific on Instagram for it to be effective. As long as you are responding to comments and inquiries promptly, the frequency of your posts is not as critical. Please don't be intimidated or overwhelmed by the platform; use it how it will work best for you, while helping GDB with our goals as well.

Guide Dogs for the Blind Puppy Raising Guidebook, all rights reserved. Please see our Terms of Use Guidelines to utilize the contents within.