In and On the Water
Come on in, the water’s fine! Playing and swimming in water can be a fun way for puppies to get some extra energy out on warmer days. Below are some tips and guidelines to make sure puppies stay safe and have fun!

Swimming and Wading
General Tips for a Good Time
Confidence: Not all puppies love swimming – and that’s OK! Never force a puppy into the water. For a puppy who doesn't take to water naturally, you can encourage them to enter the water using food, toys, verbal encouragement, or even seeing you or other dogs have fun in the water. A life jacket can be helpful (but is not required) for puppies first learning to swim. The buoyancy of the jacket offers additional security when their feet no longer touch the bottom!
Safety: Puppies must be supervised at all times when in or around bodies of water, with no unattended access to swimming or wading. As always, if the area is not securely fenced on all sides, the puppy must be on a leash or long line. Make sure the puppy have access to fresh clean drinking water and discourage them from drinking the water they are swimming in.
Preventative Health: Any time a dog swims, their ears are exposed to moisture, which can contribute to ear infections. Please dry and air out the puppy’s ears after swimming.
Swimming Pools
- Puppies must be able to independently enter and exit the pool (i.e., via steps or a ramp, not a ladder).
- A plastic kiddie pool may be a gentle first step before introducing puppies to a full-sized pool.
Creeks, Ponds, Sloughs, Lakes, Rivers
- Bodies of water inhabited by wildlife may be contaminated with bacteria or cyanobacteria (i.e., "blue-green algae”) and unsafe for dogs. Do not allow puppies to swim in areas that would be unsuitable for humans to swim.
- Check your state or local Harmful Algae Bloom resources for more information.
- Be aware of hazards such as submerged branches, fishing line, etc.
- Find a spot with a gently sloping entry into the water so the puppy can easily enter and exit the water.
- Currents can be unpredictably strong; GDB puppies should never swim in a current.
- Do not visit areas with unfamiliar off-leash dogs around.
The Ocean
- All the above should also be considered when taking a puppy to the beach.
- Great caution should be taken wading in the ocean with puppies due to currents and other hazards.
- Puppies that have played in the ocean should be rinsed thoroughly afterwards to prevent irritation from the salt water.
Watercraft Guidelines
Commercial passenger ships and ferries are exempt from these guidelines and are treated like any other public transit vehicle. If you are unsure whether a watercraft is exempt, check with your puppy raising field manager.
We realize that many raisers have access to water for fun, transportation, and sports and want to enjoy these activities with their puppies. These guidelines are provided to ensure that puppies stay safe, comfortable, and confdent!
Types of Crafts
- Puppies are not allowed to ride on jet skis, wave runners, or inner tubes, or in non-motorized watercrafts on fast flowing water or in the ocean.
- Puppies must be comfortable swimming/wading in the water before riding a watercraft.
- Puppies should be introduced to the craft before embarking and should be comfortable riding on or in it before riding for any length of time or distance.
- Watercrafts are not considered securely fenced; keep puppies on leash.
- Puppies must wear a life vest when riding in an approved watercraft.
Guide Dogs for the Blind Puppy Raising Guidebook, all rights reserved. Please see our Terms of Use Guidelines to utilize the contents within.