Body Condition Scoring (BCS)
BCS 3 or Lower
- Too thin for any dog.
- Start weight gain plan as per veterinarian.
- Good for dogs in Training, Puppy Raising Program (both training and breeder evaluation), Career Changes, and Studs.
- Avoid weight loss.
- Good for dogs in Training, Puppy Raising Program (both training and breeder evaluation), Career Changes, Studs, and Broods.
- Avoid weight gain.
- Mild weight loss advised, (except if Brood nursing puppies 0-3 weeks of age).
BCS 7 and above
- Significant weight loss needed.
- Start weight loss plan as per veterinarian.
- Generally, not eligible for formal training until BCS is less than 7, unless veterinarian approves otherwise.

Chart courtesy of Purina Institute
Guide Dogs for the Blind Puppy Raising Guidebook, all rights reserved. Please see our Terms of Use Guidelines to utilize the contents within.