Health Care Policies
Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB) puppy raising volunteers are responsible for ensuring proper health care, including veterinary, nutrition, parasite control, and grooming of their guide dog puppies.
Veterinary Care
- Review Guide Dog Puppy Veterinary Care for details on communication with GDB veterinary staff, authorized care, and reimbursement.
- Report health concerns and seek guidance for veterinary care as soon as an issue is identified.
- Ensure all veterinary records are shared with GDB in a timely manner.
- Review Common Reasons to Visit the Vet for more information on common health concerns in puppies and general guidance.
Disease Prevention
- Keep GDB puppies up to date on vaccinations following GDB’s puppy vaccine schedule (links to the Puppy Vaccine Schedule Chart are below).
- Until one week after puppies have received their 16-week vaccinations:
- Avoid high dog-traffic areas with animals of unknown health and vaccination status (e.g., pet stores, areas around dog parks).
- Carry the puppy in/out for vet visits.
- Until one day after puppies have received their 20-week vaccinations:
- Do not visit GDB campuses for events and activities.
- Until one week after puppies have received their 20-week vaccinations:
- Avoid close contact with dogs of unknown health or vaccine status.
Disease Prevention Downloads
Review and/or download a copy of the Puppy Vaccine Schedule Chart.
Puppy Vaccine Schedule Chart (DOCX)
Guide Dogs for the Blind Puppy Raising Guidebook, all rights reserved. Please see our Terms of Use Guidelines to utilize the contents within.