Humane Treatment Policy

The purpose of this policy is to foster a humane, enriching, and positive reinforcement-based environment for the dogs we breed, train, and care for. Guide Dogs for the Blind’s Values and Behaviors demand the highest ethical standards in the work we do, with a shared commitment to treat every being with dignity and respect.
Standards of Humane Treatment
Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB) is committed to ensuring our dogs are humanely trained and receive the highest quality of care. We believe dogs are sentient beings that have consciousness and emotions who thrive through proper socialization, attention to their well-being, positive emotional experiences, and compassionate human contact. This commitment includes the expectation that our employees, volunteers, adopters, and clients will uphold our standards of care by providing for humane handling using positive reinforcement, proper veterinary care, high quality nutrition, unrestricted access to clean water, appropriate and safe living conditions, proper exercise, and intentional measures to meet the emotional needs of each individual dog throughout the entire life of the dog. Decisions regarding dog placement, quality of life, or end of life should be made considering an individual dog's best interests/needs.
GDB does not condone any act, or omission of an act, which causes physical or psychological harm to an animal. Any volunteer who believes a dog’s wellbeing is in question must immediately provide a written or verbal report regarding incidents or concerns to a support team member. This could be a club leader, puppy raising field manager (PFM), puppy raising program manager, or the director of puppy raising. After a report is received, a thorough and objective investigation by management will be undertaken. Once the investigation is completed, any determination made will be communicated to the volunteer. GDB expects all volunteers to fully cooperate with any investigation conducted into a complaint regarding this policy, and during the investigation, keep matters related to the investigation confidential.
If we determine that this policy has been violated, remedial action will be taken, commensurate with the severity of the offense. Appropriate action will also be taken to deter any future mistreatment of a dog as prohibited by this policy. If a complaint regarding this policy is substantiated, appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of volunteerism, will be taken.
Retaliation is prohibited against any person by another volunteer or by GDB for using this complaint procedure, reporting perceived mistreatment of dogs, or for filing, assisting, or participating in any manner in any investigation. A volunteer should report any retaliation prohibited by this policy. Any report of retaliatory conduct will be investigated in a thorough and objective manner. If a report of retaliation is substantiated, appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of volunteerism or employment, will be taken.
Guide Dogs for the Blind Puppy Raising Guidebook, all rights reserved. Please see our Terms of Use Guidelines to utilize the contents within.