Traveling with a GDB Puppy

Vehicle Safety Policy
- Where should the puppy sit in the car? Choose the best possible option when transporting GDB puppies in vehicles.
- The safest place for puppies to ride in cars is in a secured crate.
- If a crate cannot fit, the puppy should ride on the floor (passenger footwell, rear floorboards), or in the cargo area of a station wagon/hatchback.
- If the location of airbags prevents the puppy from riding safely on the floor, they may be allowed on a seat.
- Ensure proper traction to minimize puppies sliding around.
- GDB puppies may not travel in the back of open pickup trucks. Pickup trucks must have a shell and the puppy must be safely secured in a crate.
- Puppies must be secured (crate, tie-down, car harness, or managed by a passenger) if the puppy may be unsafe or otherwise distracting to the driver.
- GDB puppies may not be left unattended for any length of time in vehicles regardless of the weather.
Travel Policy
Travel can be a great socialization opportunity for a GDB puppy. Volunteers need to ensure that it will be a positive experience for the puppy, raisers, and for the general public who may come into contact with the puppy on its travels.
When traveling with a GDB puppy:
- Reach out to review your travel plans and to discuss puppy readiness. If the puppy is not ready for the trip, you may be asked to make other arrangements.
- If traveling over six hours from your home, or anywhere by airplane, complete the Puppy Travel Request form (link below).
- Puppies may only travel within the US.
- Puppies may only travel to places with an emergency veterinary clinic located within a 3-hour drive. Puppy raisers must have a plan for transportation to an emergency veterinary clinic if needed.
- Puppy raisers must have a backup plan in case of denied public access with the puppy.
Airline Travel with GDB Puppies
In addition to following the above travel guidelines, when traveling by air:
- No youth under 18 years of age may transport a GDB puppy in an airline cabin without an authorized adult.
- Volunteers are responsible for obtaining a Health Certificate and Rabies certificate when required by the airline. GDB will not reimburse for any costs associated with airline travel unless the travel is at GDB’s request.
- When puppies travel on flights, each leg of the flight needs to be 6 hours or under, with time in between to exit and relieve the puppy before boarding a second flight.
- Puppies below the age of 20 weeks, and any puppies that show evidence of behavioral or medical conditions that might affect their ability to travel calmly and comfortably during an airplane trip, would need to be flown as cargo or excess baggage.
More Puppy Travel Info and Resources
For assistance identifying appropriate channels for air travel, please reference Air Travel for GDB Puppies.
Air Travel for GDB PuppiesFor information about reimbursement for recall or puppy delivery travel, please reference the Dog Transportation Reimbursement Policy.
Dog Transportation ReimbursementGuide Dog Puppy Travel Request Form
Download a copy of the Guide Dog Puppy Travel Request Form for your records.
Puppy Travel Request Form (DOCX)
Guide Dogs for the Blind Puppy Raising Guidebook, all rights reserved. Please see our Terms of Use Guidelines to utilize the contents within.