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Guide Dog Class Lecture: Addressing Guidework Errors

Like people, dogs make mistakes.

Like people, dogs learn from their mistakes.

Working with a guide dog is a collaborative effort. As with any new team, mistakes are bound to happen.  These aren’t personal reflections, rather opportunities for growth. Sometimes, the error is the dog’s, other times the handler’s and occasionally it’s a shared responsibility.

Addressing errors and providing opportunities for correction (or reworking) helps both dog and handler learn and build confidence as a team.  When the dog responds correctly, rewarding the behavior will reinforce it, making it more likely to be repeated.  Dogs are social creatures that thrive on routine, patterns and clear expectations. They want to be involved with us and generally aim to please. Because guide dogs have been raised with loving, focused and purposeful direction, they are especially people-oriented and willing partners.

To provide a guide dog with clear feedback, we need to let the dog know when they’re behaviors are desirable or undesirable. If the handler does not address an error, the dog may assume that the error is acceptable and is likely to repeat it. If a handler does not allow a dog to successfully re-work an appropriate situation and earn praise and reward, the dog may lose confidence in its ability and become less effective as a guide.

It is natural for errors to occur in any new guide dog team. They are part of the learning process and provide opportunities to improve communication and overall effectiveness.

Common Guidework Errors

  • Contacting an object, another person, or a sidewalk edge, commonly referred to as a passable clearance.  Meaning the dog should pass the object without the handler making contact.
  • Overstepping a curb, stair, or narrow doorway, or an overhead obstacle.  Commonly referred to as a stop clearance.
  • Going off the desired travel line, such as in a street crossing

For all types of errors, an immediate and abrupt stop is essential to convey to the dog that an error was made. Dogs live in the moment, so it is crucial to address errors immediately. Your swift reaction is a powerful message to your dog.  Guide dogs are trained to understand that a sudden stop without a “Halt” verbal cue can indicate that an error has occurred.

Object, Edge or Pedestrian Errors – Avoiding Contact

Whether the dog needs to show you something or clear you of it, what remains the same is doing an abrupt stop at the point of error. The timing and location of the praise and reward differs depending on the type of error.

Immediate Response

Immediate handler reaction is critical. Stop!

  • It is important to act quickly when your dog makes an error and perhaps include a verbal alert such as ‘oh, ouch’, which lasts only a second.

Re-Position, Re-Orient and Re-Work

  • After the abrupt stop and verbal alert, set the harness handle down and give the verbal cue for “heel” use the leash to re-position your dog if needed. The handler positions the team with the obstacle an arm’s length away in order re-orient, give the dog a chance to see the obstacle and successfully work away from the point of contact.
  • From here, when ready pick up your harness handle, use a verbal cue “forward”, and allow your dog to move you around the obstacle.
  • As the dog resumes guidework, moving around and beyond the obstacle, verbally praise them without stopping for a job well done!

For a passable clearance do not praise, tap or offer food reward while in contact with the obstacle doing so will teach your dog that this is a target. Remember the goal is to move fluidly around the obstacle without stopping to identify it.  As tempting as it may be, please refrain from pointing out the error to the dog after the fact. The abrupt stop and verbal alert when the error was made is what is most meaningful to your dog.

Targeting Error: Curb, Stair or Narrow Space Errors.

Sometimes you want your dog to show you a situation where they cannot otherwise navigate safely through or around, for example. a narrow space, curb or other change in elevation.  Commonly referred to as a stop clearance.   

Immediate Response

  • Just like obstacles to avoid, an abrupt stop and verbal alert at the point of error remains the same for a targeting error.

Re-Position, Re-Orient and Re-Work

  • Once re-positioned and re-oriented, rather than immediately moving on, give quiet    praise to your dog to make that location a desirable target.

Give the dog a chance at success! Let’s re-work.

  • Take a few steps straight back and call your dog to “heel” position.
  • With your dog in the proper position, pick up the harness handle and give the verbal cue "forward".
  • Praise and food reward your dog when they successfully target the obstacle or narrow clearance.

Curb Errors

When addressing curb targeting errors, consider the following:

Down Curb Errors

  • The suddenness of your stop when your dog passes over a down curb will alert them to the mistake and be a critical teaching opportunity. If the curb is at your heels, it is acceptable for you and your dog to move backwards a bit as you maintain your orientation. Give your dog quiet praise as you stand at the curb. Be sure that your dog is at a full stop.

Two Options for Re-working a Down Curb:

Reworking a downcurb is indicated if a dog is showing a pattern of stepping over down curbs or if the team is mis-aligned at the downcurb.

  •  If you think you are accurately aligned for a street crossing, backing up a few steps may work well. However, it can be risky to back up and re-approach a down curb. Because the corner area is very open, it is easy to face a new approach incorrectly. Consequently, if the new approach is askew, you may now be set up for a poor street entry and crossing. Listen closely to traffic cues for proper alignment.
  • If you are still uncomfortable with your line and/or orientation, re-approaching the entire corner may be warranted. If so, set the harness handle down and "heel" your dog in a right about-turn. Pick up the harness handle and work your dog back down the block a about 15 or more paces. This distance will give you and your dog a chance to pick up a normal pace and line. After these 15 paces, "halt", set the handle down and "heel" your dog in a right about-turn. Assume your guidework stance, pick up the handle and work toward the down curb again. At the curb, assess the result, praise and reward your dog, and proceed with the street crossing. Depending on the circumstances of the error and your abilities as a team, you may prefer one option over the other. You will have the opportunity to cover this with your instructor while in class.   

Up Curb Errors

  • If the error happens, stop (if safe to do so) and briefly praise your dog at the up curb before moving on to emphasize the correct position. When approaching your next up-curb, be aware of your dog’s actions and be ready to stop again for an error or offer praise for an accurate target.
  • Offering a food reward at accurate up curb checks will strengthen your dog’s desire to stop there.
  • It is not safe to re-work an up curb because you would be backing into the street.
  • Do not re-work an entire crossing if your dog runs an up curb. It won’t make sense to the dog.
  • Rushing out of the street as a handler can deteriorate a dog’s stop response at an up curb.

Street Crossing Errors

The curb approach, position at the down curb and street entry all influence your street crossing. If you suspect that your down curb approach resulted in misalignment, you should consider re-working the approach itself. As discussed previously, you have the option to do an about-turn and work your dog back down the block as you pick up normal pace and line. "Halt", turn around, and work toward the original down curb. At the curb assess the result, praise your dog, and proceed with the street crossing.

Pace, line and traffic checks affect the crossing as well.

The most common error during a street crossing involves line deviation.

Step 1- Immediate response

  • If your dog goes off line, stop and hold your position momentarily, keeping ahold of the harness handle,
  • The break in momentum tells your dog they are wrong and will help them to re-direct more easily.
  • If appropriate adjust your shoulders to face the intended target line.

Step 2 - Regain your line of travel

  • After stopping your dog, give the verbal cue "curb".
  • Wait for your dog to move in the anticipated correct direction before moving.
  • Once you reach the up curb, praise your dog despite how you may feel about the crossing. To avoid reluctance to approach an up curb, keep the up curb a positive place for your dog.

Step 3 - Rework the Crossing

  • Decide whether or not to re-work the crossing. Re-work any crossing that had a significant error in it. Re-working is an opportunity to improve your dog’s responses and is worth the time and effort.
  • To re-work a crossing, you need to get back to your original curb approach. To do so, you will need to cross back over the street you just crossed. From the up-curb work "forward" down the block at least 15 to 20 paces and “halt” your dog and “heel” in an about turn. This will help you and your dog re-orient to your correct line of travel.
  • To re-approach the crossing, pick up your handle and use the "forward" verbal cue reapproach to the down curb.
  • Praise at the down curb, read traffic, and cross back over the street to the original side.
  • After rewarding at the up curb, give the "forward" and continue those 15 -20 paces down the block. "Halt" after the 15-20 paces, "heel" your dog in an about turn, pick up your handle and give the "forward" cue.
  • At this point you are now approaching your original curb approach, which will line you up for re-working the crossing that was incorrect. Be attentive to your line during the down curb approach. Praise at the down curb.
  • As you give the "forward" cue into the street cross, be attentive to your dog’s movements. It is possible your dog may try to repeat the same error, and you want to be prepared to stop quickly if they do. It is important though, not to expect your dog to repeat the error, just be attentive in case they do.
  • When your dog stops at the up curb properly, praise enthusiastically and give a food reward. Then move into a 'halt' position on the sidewalk to give your dog an abundance of physical and verbal praise. As stated earlier, both praise and food reward tell the dog that they have done the right thing.

In conclusion, taking the time to address errors, giving an opportunity to re-work when appropriate, and praising and rewarding for a good response is well worth the investment. Your dog will become a more accurate, efficient worker because they have received consistent feedback from you.

Audio Streaming

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