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Fundraising Contacts

Estate Planning

Tom Horton kneels in the grass next to a black Lab

Tom Horton

International Director of Planned Gifts

415.492.4169 | [email protected]

Erin Jones kneels next to a black Lab dog.

Erin Jones

Planned Giving Officer

415.499.4456 | [email protected]

Joan Scotts sits next to a Golden Retriever

Joan Scott

Planned Giving Coordinator

415.499.4073 | [email protected]

Major Gifts / Donor Relations

A portrait of Doria Leong with a yellow Lab.

Doria Leong

Head of Philanthropic Gifts

415.499.4040 | [email protected]

Senior Philanthropic Gifts Officer Karleanne Rogers sitting on a bench next to a yellow Labrador Retriever.

Karleanne Rogers

Senior Philanthropic Gifts Officer

415.488.2346 | [email protected]

Jillian Fish kneeling next to a yellow Lab guide dog.

Jillian Fish

Philanthropic Gifts Officer

415.488.2350 | [email protected]

Corporate & Foundation Gifts

GSB staff member Scott Metzger seated on a bench next to a yellow Lab.

Scott Metzger

Foundation Giving Manager

415-499-4089 | [email protected]

Development Operations and Direct Response

Marty Scherstuhl kneels next to a black Lab

Marty Scherstuhl

Director of Development Operations and Direct Response

415.492.4170 | [email protected]


Debi Morgan holding a yellow Lab puppy.

Debi Morgen

Special Events Manager

415.488.2340 | [email protected]